4 healthy meals for lunch
Oct 22, 2022, 6:12 AM
In this article, we will present to you four healthy, satiating meals for lunch:
Lemon and coriander spaghetti.
Macaroni with pizza sauce.
Beans with coriander and garlic.
Bulgur with zucchini
Healthy Lunch 1: Lemon Coriander Pasta
the ingredients
How to prepare
A bag of spaghetti noodles
Lemon juice of 2
A teaspoon of salt
A teaspoon of pepper
5 tablespoons of olive oil
A spoonful of oregano.
A teaspoon of lemon peel
5 large cloves of garlic.
Half a cup of chopped cilantro
Half a cup of Parmesan cheese.
Boil the spaghetti for about 15 minutes with a pinch of salt and a little olive oil to prevent it from sticking to the pot.
We wash it with cold water and filter it for a quarter of an hour.
Put a little olive oil in the pan with the garlic and stir them over medium heat for three minutes.
Put a cup of spaghetti boiling stock and let it boil.
Then add spaghetti, salt, pepper, lemon juice and oregano and leave the mixture for ten minutes.
Turn off the heat and add the coriander and Parmesan cheese, then pour it into the serving dish.
Healthy lunch 2: pasta with pizza sauce
the ingredients
How to prepare
1/2 kilo of pasta.
3 large or 5 small tomatoes.
1 white onion.
Two cloves of garlic.
4 grains of pepper.
A small cup of chopped black olives.
A sprinkle of low-fat cheese.
A tablespoon of oregano.
A teaspoon of paprika.
Small spoon of salt.
A teaspoon of black pepper.
Boil the pasta for about 20 minutes with a pinch of salt and a little olive oil to prevent it from sticking to the pot.
In a frying pan, add two tablespoons of olive oil, garlic, tomatoes, bell peppers, and onions, and sauté until soft.
Drain the pasta and wash it under cold water.
Pour the pasta into the cooking pot, add the mixture in the pan, put the olives and spices, and stir over medium heat for 5 minutes.
We prepare it by adding a little cheese in the serving dish. (Optional step).
Healthy Lunch 3: Beans with Garlic and Coriander:
the ingredients
How to prepare
1/2 kilo of green beans.
A small cup of olive oil.
Small spoon of salt.
A small bunch of green coriander (fresh).
We put the beans in a pot on the fire and let it until it is level.
Chop the green coriander and crush the garlic.
Add olive oil, green coriander, garlic and salt to taste.
Healthy lunch 4: bulgur with zucchini
the ingredients
How to prepare
1/2 kilo of bulgur.
1/2 kilo of zucchini.
Chicken broth or meat broth.
Two tablespoons of olive oil.
200 grams of red or white meat (to taste)
A tablespoon of salt.
A tablespoon of pepper.
Cut the zucchini into medium cubes.
Put the meat and zucchini slices with the olive oil on the stove and stir for a few minutes.
Put the bulgur on top of the zucchini and the meat, and add the chicken stock or the meat stock.
Each cup of bulgur requires two cups of bulgur.
We put salt and pepper.
Leave it on a medium heat until it softens.
4 وجبات صحية للغداء
سنقدم لكم في هذا المقال أربع وجبات صحية مشبعة لوجبة الغداء وهي:
- سباغيتي الليمون والكزبرة.
- معكرونة بصوص البيتزا.
- الفول بالكزبرة والثوم.
- البرغل بالكوسا
وجبة الغداء الصحية 1: باستا الليمون والكزبرة
المكونات | طريقة التحضير |
وجبة الغداء الصحية2: معكرونة بصوص البيتزا
المكونات | طريقة التحضير |
وجبة الغداء الصحية 3: الفول بالثوم والكزبرة:
المكونات | طريقة التحضير |
وجبة الغداء الصحية 4: البرغل بالكوسا
المكونات | طريقة التحضير |